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Friday, April 26, 2019

$220,000 For Every Man, Woman And Child - America Is Now 72 Trillion Dollars In Debt

Are you ready to cough up $220,000 to pay your 'fair share'?

One of the reasons why a day of reckoning for the U.S. economy is inevitable is because we are in way too much debt.

The 22 trillion dollar debt that the federal government has accumulated gets most of the attention, but the truth is that we would still be 50 trillion dollars in debt even if the national debt was eliminated somehow. Today, debt levels are exploding on every level of society. Corporate debt has more than doubled since the last financial crisis, U.S. consumers are more than 13 trillion dollars in debt, and state and local governments are piling up debt as if tomorrow will never come. According to a Federal Reserve chart that you can find right here, the total amount of debt in the U.S. financial system has now reached an astounding 72 trillion dollars.



  1. A list of countries with a balanced budget would be interesting to see.

  2. Trump really is running the country like one of his businesses then.

  3. Most readers here do not understand what the elites have done to the currency. The problem is the US Dollar.

    It has been counterfeited by the Fed.
    They printed currency (typed digits into a computer) for which they have no GOLD.

    Gold is money.
    The debt is currency.

  4. 1:43
    Your comment flew over all of these readers’s heads.

    I agree with you.

    Ron Paul taught us: inflation is what is done to the currency. The bankers inflate the currency which causes prices to rise. The world is awash in US Dollars. It is accepted very reluctantly in exchange for natural resources because of the US threat to bomb Countries.

    It will take every eastern Country working together to ever hope to overthrow this Empire. Good luck

  5. There is NO debt !!! Govt just wants you to believe the crap!

    They can pay off anything in a day !!! All A LIe !!!!

  6. Thank The CONGRESS !!! ...Pass MANY MANY MANY MANY YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!


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