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Friday, March 01, 2019

Welcome To Somerset County


  1. Poor man's county !!!

  2. Somerset County the Seafood Capital of Maryland
    and the poorest County in Maryland
    Go Figure!!!

    And the County with most Safe Deposit Boxes!!

  3. 24 hr harvesting .... makes sense to me

  4. Party while you reap. I like it!

  5. Pretty funny comiCo from a guy that has swamp behind his shack.

  6. Don't laugh.... Somerset Co. will always be the poster child for ignorance as long as the Commissioners think just this way. Logic isn't the catalyst for the things that are done in the County. Case in point,$500,000 plus for a golf course that's been a loser since its
    inception,$11,000,000 for a sewer system on Smith Island, landfill fees used to bolster $100,000 a year salaries for do-nothing beaurocrats. Now does the picture seem so 'far-out?


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