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Monday, March 04, 2019

Washington Post issues lengthy correction over Covington Catholic confrontation

The Washington Post published a lengthy editor’s note Friday acknowledging errors in its coverage of a viral incident between high school student Nicholas Sandmann and Native American demonstrator Nathan Phillips in January.

Sandmann, 16, a student at Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky , was at the center of the Post’s coverage of the Jan. 18 incident on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. But the incident also involved Sandmann’s fellow students — many, like Sandmann himself, sporting “Make America Great Again” hats — in an apparent confrontation with Phillips. Phillips is seen in the viral video standing face to face with Sandmann while playing his drum, surrounded by the other students.

The Post is facing a $250 million defamation lawsuit from Sandmann, filed in February.



  1. I generally wouldn't say something like this but given how dishonest the media has become I am hoping those kids get nice tidy sums of money to put away for the future. And I hope the lawyers get a bonus as well. It seems only just.

  2. Why did he confront a skinny, 16 year old kid? Gives the term "Braves" a bad name.


  3. Bezos owns the Post and is currently good for the 250M; drain his wallet.


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