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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Warren Suggests Family Lied To Her About Native American Heritage During CNN Town Hall

During a Monday night town hall event hosted by CNN's Jake Tapper, 2020 presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was asked about her “lack of presidential tact” in handling her apparently phony claims of Native American heritage.

Warren, looking uncomfortable as she responded, seemingly blamed her family for lying to her about their heritage before pivoting to health care and other issues.

“How do you respond to people who think that, regardless of the underlying facts, the way you handled the question of your Native American heritage was tone deaf and indicative of a lack of presidential tact?” asked a man attending the event.



  1. Is there ANYTHING truthful that comes out of her mouth?!

  2. Blaming someone else for her lies!

  3. WOW, now saying her family LIES...how low and stupid can you go...

  4. Dumbocrats are liars liars liars!

  5. Princess Lie-A-Whopper Lies again

  6. Omg, this dumb b!+ch would actually throw her own family under the bus and blame them. This is a sad state of affairs my friends

  7. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


  8. She is a scoundrel. Parents are probably in the great hunting ground in the sky and unable to rebut her slander.

    Except we know that way back when she was a kid most would have downplayed a tribal linkage rather than invent a fiction to pass onto a child.

    Warren is just a lying sack. Has been since at least her Texas bar application.


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