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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Trump’s Executive Order to Colleges: Protect Free Speech or Risk Billions in Federal Grants

Polly Olson, a student at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, last year handed out homemade Valentine cards on her campus with Christian messages until college officials told her she was restricted to a “free speech zone.”

On Thursday, Olson told her story at the White House before President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at protecting free speech on college campuses.

“My mother told me when she was homeschooling me that I would need to know what my First Amendment rights were, because someday they would be violated, and I would have to stand up for them,” Olson said, speaking at the East Room event. “I was told I was soliciting and disrupting the learning environment, and that it would not be tolerated, and that I would have to stop handing out valentines.”



  1. Thank you, Mr. President.

  2. If there is free speech on campuses and 'no problem' then what do they have to fear. Why make a statement about the order IF no problem exists it does not apply, simple logic!


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