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Saturday, March 02, 2019

Too little, too late: Washington Post admits it screwed up big in the Covington Catholic story

It's amazing, the difference a $250 million defamation lawsuit can make.

The Washington Post published an editor’s note Friday evening admitting, way too late, that it badly bungled its coverage of the Covington Catholic High School story.

Major newsrooms, including the Post, falsely reported in January that a group of Covington Catholic High School students had abused and taunted an elderly Native American protester, Nathan Phillips, after the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The students did no such thing, as publicly available video showed. Sadly, the truth of the matter came out only after the press, most especially the Post, had already spread a narrative based entirely on vicious falsehoods.



  1. Those scumbags will settle out of court.

  2. The Washington Post is finished they are too late with their apologies, they always have a rush to judgement without facts. They should loose that business it is all lies, everything they put out is lies, they slander everyone before waiting for facts. The only reason their admitting it now is they have lost all creditability.

  3. go after Opeee Winfree and the rest of those leftists as well


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