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Monday, March 11, 2019

‘The Simpsons’ episode featuring Michael Jackson pulled from circulation

An episode of “The Simpsons” that features the voice of Michael Jackson will be removed from circulation — less than a week after the release of a documentary that exposes the singer’s alleged pedophilia, according to a report.

James L. Brooks, a ‘Simpsons’ executive producer, told The Wall Street Journal that he and two other creators of the show decided to pull the episode after watching the “Leaving Neverland” on HBO.

“The documentary gave evidence of monstrous behavior,” Brooks told the newspaper.

“The guys I work with—where we spend our lives arguing over jokes—were of one mind on this. It feels clearly the only choice to make.”



  1. Simpsons Trivia- MJs voice was used for every part of the episode except for the Signing. MJ contractually could not perform any new or previously recorded material without major compensation so they had a voice actor do the musical numbers in the episode.

  2. And anyone is shocked HOW ?
    Jacko might has well have been the Man that Fell to Earth. What parent in their right mind would have taken his money and let their children sleep with him like a Chimp ? He will be far remembered for being the creepiest thing in modern pop culture and his pony show minstrel talents forgotten. Even when he was preforming in White Face.

  3. But you can find a convicted rapist who drugged women on TV every night with a show in his name.

  4. so will they be pulling all vile evil anti God movies and TV from circulation...because when you come down to it, every dam one of these hypocrites DO NOT HAVE A MORAL LEG TO STAND ON...

    1. 5:17- What vile and anti God movies and TV are you referring to? It's the Simpson's, man! People have every right to religious beliefs and being entertained by movies that contradicts the bible. I enjoyed the recent Spiderman movie. Contradicts God, as we know how the world works, but far from blasphemy. Also, your argument is a stretch from entertainment and TV to pedophilia. Collect your thoughts to make your point, based on the post. Right now you're not focused and have no argument. All CAPS is redundant. You're ridiculing them for doing the right thing, removing the episode! Are you stupid?! So there is no right by you. It's just all wrong and everyone else are A-holes. You are compelled to be an ass, as long as you are free to troll. You give Christian's a bad rep. I rebuke you and your comments. Switch off if your bothered. The world doesn't just cater to you. Deal with it. You might not be such an idiot when you realize this.


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