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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Subject: Mitch McConnell Fails to Prevent Revolt Against Trump’s National Emergency Declaration

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has broken a reported promise to President Donald Trump, admitting Monday that he failed to prevent Republican Senators from passing a resolution blocking a national emergency declaration on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Speaking at an event Louisville, McConnell said that while the resolution will pass in the Senate, it is highly likely the House will vote to uphold the president’s veto. “What is clear in the Senate is that there will be enough votes to pass the resolution of disapproval, which will then be vetoed by the president and then in all likelihood the veto will be upheld in the House,” he said.

Later this month, the Senate will vote on the resolution to prevent President Trump from reallocating, without Congress, billions of dollars to fund the construction of a Southern border wall. In February, President Trump announced that he would declare an emergency to build the wall after Congress passed legislation providing $1.3 billion for barriers. He plans to divert $3.6 billion from military construction of the wall and transfer another $3.1 billion towards the construction. As the New York Times reported, McConnell promised the president to support the declaration, signaling that he would quell any opposition to the measure.

More surprises here


  1. Dave T: I hate saying this, but there isn't anything more helpful to radical liberals and their movement, than useless Republican's who can neither make competent decisions or provide support for their own party.

  2. MCCONNELL is like Ryan. A huge POS that the state of Kentucky must be proud of.

  3. Mitch the bitch. I would rather lose doing the right thing than win being a sellout.

  4. Maybe , just maybe , the constitution is more important then the cult worship of Trump

    1. WOW. You just proved you know NOTHING of the Constitution or PRESIDENT TRUMP Powers. But you stay with the LIBUTARDS. It fits you. CAN'T THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

  5. Flip flopping pos

  6. It appears there is no Republican Party any more they are protecting their Millionaire status by being a chameleon Democrat posing as a Republican with no backbone.

  7. Just like hogan too 11:19

  8. Civil war is coming.


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