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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Radical Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Declares Victory Over US in Chicago CAIR Speech, ‘The Muslims Are Here!’ (VIDEO)

Radical Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI) declared victory over the US government in a speech to terror-tied CAIR last month — the video just began making the rounds on social media earlier this week.

Congresswoman Tlaib was introduced by Executive Director of CAIR’s Florida chapter, Hassan Shibly — Shibly invoked the Islamic war cry as he introduced her.

“Allahu Akbar! The first Palestinian-American Muslim Congresswoman, our dear sister Rashida Tlaib!” Hassan Shibly said.

As soon as Rashida Tlaib walked up to the lectern to deliver her radical speech, she invoked the Muslim war cry of Allah in Arabic: “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim!” Tlaib said, which means, “In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.”



  1. Throw her out NOW!

  2. Wake up Congress. How much more evidence do you need?

  3. Safe to say NSA and CIA are listening lol.

  4. its what the luciferian left want for us..

    The Muslim immigrants to this country are now joining the Masonic order by the droves, seeing the order as an extension of the Allah in whom they already believe. Since the Masonic oath demands that a member place his loyalty to a fellow Mason above his loyalty to anything else, so-called Masonic "Christians" are the sworn allies of the murderers of our brethren worldwide -- past, present and future

  5. 9:52.... did you just have something kick in that you tried while attending Woodstock or are you just ignorant? You should see if there is a antidote.

  6. Deport these anti-Americans disrupting our peace.

    1. This is just the beginning of the musliM Infiltrators.


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