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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

PUGH FALLOUT | Two UMMS board members resign, 4 more take 'voluntary leave of absence'

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - Two board members of the University of Maryland Medical System have resigned, and four more are accepting a "voluntary leave of absence," in light of a controversy with Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh's role on the UMMS board.

The mayor announced yesterday she was stepping down.

Today, UMMS board chairman Stephen A. Burch said he has asked "those Board members whose businesses currently have relationships with the Medical System - August J. Chiasera, Francis X. Kelly, James A. Soltesz and Walter A. Tilley, Jr. - to immediately take a voluntary leave of absence from the Board while we thoroughly review our governance practices and move toward even greater transparency."



  1. These products of the crooked Md democrat party debase and taint every organization they touch. Most think because they are a minority that they are immune from the laws and procedures that the rest have to abide by.

  2. Marilyn Mosby has some decisions to make. Sadly, they're probably already made to protect the guilty.

  3. To think, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

  4. What did I miss? What was Pugh doing on the MEMS system board?

  5. 10:00 am------You are exactly correct. Now they need to look into the Board at the University of Maryland....just sayin'.


  6. Pugh and Mosby are just well dressed criminals.


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