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Sunday, March 03, 2019

President Trump, I Feel Your Pain & Stand With You...


  1. Damn right. They got the right one now.

  2. After voting for him and then learning how deep the swamp is (on both sides of the aisle), I appreciate all that he has been able to do. He will do a lot more whether he has two years left or six. Not releasing the entire JFK files and not going after Hillary and the Clinton Foundation have been disappointments.

    1. Trump tried multiple times. Jeff refused to do it. Congress asked him why he said that is not his job. It's on you tube. Nothing has changed with the DOJ or FBI. They circled the wagons. DOJ begged Trump not to request a special console then screwed him again. Trump is fighting all fronts all day.

  3. Ross Perot could not take the heat and threats. its real people, these luciferians will lie and deceive to bolster their agenda. so dont doubt that for a second. i pray he will be kept safe and thank the good lord we have President Trump.

  4. Take America Back / Make it Great Again you Are on your
    way !!!

    Clean out that Damn Swamp !!!! Keep on pressing !!!!

  5. Northwest Woodsman: I am old enough th remember the Truman administration and all of those that followed. With the exception of president Reagan, President Trump is the best of them all. Not a self-serving politician, he is not intimidated by the press and traitors that make up our political royalty and he is free to say what he thinks. This has never happened before and they really hate him because he reveals their flaws and inadequacies.. I really don’t know how he has the patience to deal with such scum. I’d have given up long ago.

    1. President Trump is the best in my time, and I'm old enough to enjoy a monthly social security deposit. He is definitely a President for the blue collar worker

  6. God bless you Mr President, stay strong.

  7. Bless him and his family.

  8. Thank you Mr. President!!!! You're doing a wonderful Job.

  9. They may throw everything they have at you but you are still the peoples' PRESIDENT and we are right with you every step of the way can't wait till the next election they fail again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT WITH TRUMP.

  10. And he's working for free.

  11. Backed by 80 million gun owners.

    MAGA, Mr. President.

    I remember every president since Johnson.
    Trump trumps them all. A REAL American.

  12. I still say that they are scared to death of him because they are afraid he is going to find out what they have done since being in office and they will serve time for it. They are doing everything they can to keep his mind off of investigating them. Send him a tweet and ask him to have them investigated for any wrong doing. Like how they become multi millionaires on their salary. Or why they passed the Secure Fence Act in 2006 and did not implement it or fund it. Why Schumer did the same again in 2014. Why they told the people the barrier would be built at the border and did nothing about it. I heard they were bribed by El Chapo NOT to build the wall. They better find out direct from him before he is found dead in prison to keep his mouth shut. He started talking about Pelosi and Shumer and others in the government during his trial and they secured the courtroom when he did.


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