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Friday, March 22, 2019

Poll: TV Viewers Are Tired of Saturday Night Live's Political Obsession

While many Americans were busy quaffing green beer last Sunday for St. Patrick's Day, our teetotaling president was expressing his displeasure about a once-funny American entertainment institution:

As the weekly target of Saturday Night Live's "humor," President Trump's disgruntlement with the show is understandable. According to a new poll conducted by The Hollywood Reporter and Morning Consult, however, it isn't just him who has grown weary of SNL's shtick.

The poll found that 39 percent of the respondents feel that SNL is now "too political."

Almost half of the sample feel that the show in its present incarnation is "more liberal," while five percent of those polled live in some Bizarro world where they feel it's "more conservative."



  1. Let's add ALL the late night hosts and the flamer on CNN Cooper Anderson

  2. Maybe your president needs to stop being such a cry baby.

    1. I’m sure your tune would be different if they were after liberals!

  3. I haven't watched an episode since Mike Myers was on back in the nineties.
    Political correctness and liberalism has destroyed the show. Along with the late night "comedy" shows, they are no longer funny.

    They are just an advertisement for the Democratic liberal establishment.

    There are many other choices out there for my entertainment, so I can only hope that many like me stop watching them and supporting their advertisers.

  4. There has always been a rich tradition of political parody in America and elsewhere starting in print and now in new media. It riles people up but the most literate think for themselves. The subjects of such rose above it and did not make further asses of themselves acknowledging it and defending themselves as if somehow it had any meaning . Trump having a commercial and media persona to protect and propagate as a brand it's the narcissism of a Dictator that he is ill equipped to be.

  5. SNL truly has done a slide down its own slippery slope.

  6. 143, the more they mock him, the more he loves it. No such thing as bad press. He's goading the liberal media into doing it more and more and they fall for it every time, they can't help themselves. LOL! It's a thing of beauty he's orchestrating when you see it in full perspective. His feigned outrage is entirely for their (and your) benefit. You're welcome and enjoy!

  7. He probably is invested in it and laughs all the way to the bank.

  8. It has always been that all candidates and presidents have had their share of humor poked at them but it is excessive just like the media when it comes to Trump.

  9. Agree 2:49...POTUS knows Exactly what he's doing at ALL times...WAY ahead of everyone.

  10. The media is what made the man as farcical and in command of it he thinks he is. He controls it no more than Honey Booboo. Rabble rousing the poor ignorant and superstitious is hardly a modern medicine show.

  11. ABC, CBS, NBC et al, alienate 50% of the viewing population. I make a habit in the early evening to look at the guests on the 3 main late night and 2 late-late shows and it seems as though The Clinton Foundation and Obama choose which guests are allowed on the shows.

    Nearly always it is far left progressives and their ilk. AOC was listed on three shows just this past week. This is why I refuse to watch these 5 late night shows.

  12. Don Lemon too 110pm...he too likes the mens!

  13. Johnny Carson and Jay Lenno were funny. None of the new comedians seem to be funny. NONE of the late night hosts are funny. Lenno and Carson would crack on any president. It was never political or malicious. Comics today seem to think the cruder they are the funnier it is. NOT TRUE. Remember when comics would insinuate things and you had to figure it out. I guess the millennials can't figure it out so they have to be crude and explain it to them.


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