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Monday, March 25, 2019

People Are Removing The Inside Of Their Ears As Part of Bizarre New Trend, and We Are So Confused

What is up with these weird, over the top, unnecessary trends? I mean, I get it, you want to stand out and be different to show off you’re cool, but this, this Conch removal trend is just too much. It’s pretty gross too.

Oh, what is Conch Removal? Well, it’s a new body modification trend where people are getting the inside of their ears removed. Yes, their whole inside, and I’m not really sure what the point of it is. Chai Maibert, who owns the Calm Body Modification Studio in Stockholm shared photos of the removal, saying he thought this was a trend that people will eventually catch up to. Which I’m really hoping they don’t, but hey, people can surprise you from one day to the next.



  1. What? I'm sorry I'm not sure i heard you.

  2. #tidepodsaretasty.....

  3. Yeah there was a trend in the 70's after LSD was in short supply dopes resorted to cranial Trepanning. Yeah drill a hole in your head. It's a shame all these sham procedures and body modifications are not fatal that goes for fake titties too. Leave it alone people. Like yourself or not no one is watching you. Stop dying those old outdated goatees too men. Just looks like you sucked on a freshly polished boot.
    Leave your body alone MODIFY your MIND in the long run you'll get far more miles out of that.

  4. Do you need a tattoos,flannel shirt, skinny jeans, a slouch hat and a bad beard to complete the look?

  5. 359, if you think Tide pods are tasty, you should try some of the pink cotton candy in the attic! Yummy!

  6. Tide pods, Pink hats, ear whatever removal equals Bernie supporter.

  7. Good one 4:00
    And 4:27, you're making my face hurt.

  8. More proof the young Democrats are idiots.


  9. Procedure is covered by Obamacare? Asking for a friend.

  10. How many of you think this is wrong, yet have no problem with circumcising little boys without their consent?


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