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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Nolte: CNN’s Trump Hatred Results in Double Digit Rating Collapse

Last place CNN’s already humiliating ratings nosedived by double digits last week.

Even more than usual, some ten days ago the far-left CNN launched a 24/7 jihad against President Trump, going so far as to question his mental health, his patriotism, blaming him for a mass murder in New Zealand, and serial lying about his response to Charlottesville. But this unhinged hate campaign obviously turned off a considerable number of Americans.

When compared to this same week last year, CNN lost -16 percent of its primetime viewers and -17 of total day viewers; young people ran away screaming: In the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age demo, CNN shed an incredible -31 percent of those viewers during primetime and -29 percent in total day.



  1. There was a time when CNN was the go-to news network. Now it's the go-from news network. They've become the leaders in untrustworthy news.

  2. Damn, CNN is so bad Donna Brazel went to Fox. Donna said damn that, I'm going where my face will be seen more than 2 dozen times a day. $hit!

  3. Need to boycott fox news for getting rid of jennene piro and replacing her with corrupt donna brazel, hit'em where it hurts...square in their ratings!

  4. Well you all reject true studied journalistic sources and resort to talking media heads opinions and fake news that supports your own ill informed understanding of empirical facts and actual history the daily economy and what little you have invested in the Republic and still demand a say in it all. Want a say ? Put your money above your beliefs.
    The problem with the Republic is we have gleaned voters that really have no investment in it. They are voting for legitimacy and participation but have little invested in it other than faith.

  5. Maybe hannity should go there and give em a boost ?

    1. Shehhh, it's a secretMarch 21, 2019 at 7:24 PM

      Heard Tell that little Mikey Lewis is going there to CNN as their WATER BOY

    2. shhhhhhh....heard this tooMarch 21, 2019 at 7:26 PM

      Heard Tell that little Mikey Lewis is going there to CNN as their WATER BOY

      heard tell too...that Jerk Derickson is going as well to CNN to spot polish shoes.....hoorah Derickson

  6. So, anyone with cable TV is paying for CNN whether you watch it or not.

  7. Are Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon still in the hot tub?


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