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Friday, March 15, 2019

Muslim FOX News Producer Who Called Out Judge Jeanine has Twitter Account Littered with Vile Attacks on Conservatives

On Sunday FOX News “strongly condemned” Judge Jeanine Pirro for asking viewers if Rep. Ilhan Omar’s hijab means she follows Sharia Law.

Judge Jeanine attacked anti-Semite Ilhan Omar on Saturday and asked if her hijab means she’s against the Constitution.

Fox News Channel issued an official statement on Sunday: “We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro’s comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar. They do not reflect those of the network and we have addressed the matter with her directly.” 

FOX News released the statement after FOX producer Hufsa Kamal, a Pakistani-American, tweeted her disgust against Judge Jeanine Pirro on Sunday.



  1. I understand the position FOX takes on this and was out front to disclaim Pirro's personal view. Too bad CNN is not of the same character; in fact did you see that Jeff Zucker accepted the first First Amendment award? Now that is hypocritical.

  2. So, I read all of it.

    "Vile attacks"? That's false... her reply's are generally in reaction to something someone did or said that was over the top or not necessary.

    I guess the author here would prefer it if she just "shut up" and keep her opinions to herself and let whomever wants to act inappropriately just walk over whomever they fell like it without fear of judgment or correction?

    This is a smear hit piece on someone who spoke up at injustice, and I for one won't stand for deception and dishonesty.

  3. This Muslim POS representative can say what she wants and gets away with it. But the judge asks one question and the producer freak's out. But she said NOTHING when the MUSLIM representative made several comments. YOU CANT TRUST ANYONE FROM PAKISTAN. This country still protects Osama bin laden family members.

  4. @March 15, 2019 at 8:49 AM

    No one from Pakistan, huh? Does that include the 2.5 million Christians that live there?

    Sounds like you have a serious issue with Muslims... is that what you are getting at? A hate of Muslims?

    Now, I don't know what you would call that. However, people would be quick to condemn folks doing that to Jews, and you would be labeled an Anti-Semite.

    There are 1.8 BILLION Muslims in the world, over 3.5 MILLION in America. I'm sure if your skewed opinion and view of them were accurate, things would look a lot different with those sorts of population numbers... so I urge you to revisit your inaccurate assumptions.

    1. Wow 9:44 you just totally missed the ENTIRE conversation. But in typical LIBUTARDS fashion you attempt to change the subject. Now give your mommy back her phone. Your disposable diaper needs to be changed.

    2. 9:44 yes I do have a problem with rugheads and the lovers of such like you. As a former MARINE you bet your sweet punk ass I have issues with Muslims you candy ass punk,!! You have no IDEA WTF your talking about. So you stay behind your computer screen tough guy with your Muslim boyfriend.


  5. Evidently she does support Shari Law as she took oath of office on the
    Quran instead if the bible

  6. @ March 15, 2019 at 12:26 PM

    You dishonor yourself and the service, and that's not particularly very American sir.

    Did you not take an oath to defend the Constitution, along side your MUSLIM American Soliders who served and some have died doing the same.

    The Constitution that ensures and protects religious freedom and liberty.

    You are a disgrace. Do us all a favor, and stop pretending you honor your oath, and stop referring to yourself as American.

  7. @ March 15, 2019 at 12:23 PM

    Ad hominems and incorrect assumptions a solid argument do not make.

    Solid facts and relevant arguments do.

    For the record, I AM a conservative that cares about facts, and the truth, that thinks for himself and doesn't just parrot what others say or pretend to believe.

    You should try it sometime.

  8. she practices Sharia since she had to use the Koran instead of the HOLY Bible and did she not state she would support the US Constitution and US law? Behind the Judge, since she asked questions for clarification not criticizing.


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