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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Md. Rep. Elijah Cummings Accuses White House Of ‘Unprecedented Level Of Stonewalling, Delay And Obstruction’

House Oversight committee chairman Elijah Cummings accused the White House of an “unprecedented level of stonewalling, delay and obstruction” in a Washington Post op-ed published Tuesday as his committee seeks information related to multiple ongoing investigations into the Trump administration.

Cummings said the administration has not turned over “a single piece of paper to our committee or made a single official available for testimony during the 116th Congress” related to the ongoing committee investigations.

CNN reported Friday that though the White House is publicly maintaining they will cooperate with all requests, officials have internally taken an aggressive approach to the oversight requests as part of their strategy which has included slow-walking responses to demands for hearing dates and delaying efforts to turn over documents or schedule transcribed interviews.



  1. The pot is calling the kettle a Lib.

  2. Was this guy alive during the past eight years? He is a joke. The people of his district must be proud

  3. B-I-T-C-H there's more important things to do besides play your race baiting game

  4. Didn’t the Obama admin do the same thing with Hillary? Hmmmmmm

  5. Persistently looking for things that don't exist takes time.

  6. Does anybody know if Mr. and Mrs. Cummings' taxes are up to date?

  7. What else do you expect from this low IQ individual? I hope the American people wise up and vote the democrats out of the house in 2020. They don't care about us only trying to destroy Trump while our border is overrun by invaders and drugs

  8. Cummings and the Democrats under OBAMA did the same thing and OBAMA even had a lot sealed. This is the pot calling the kettle black.

  9. That's a joke, right....

  10. say it isnt so coming from the mouth of a degenerate rectorial passage

  11. Hipocrit , He has No room to talk after all he has done !!!!


  12. Big mouth and very, very small brain. That's Cummings.

  13. Hey Mr, Cummings. Just how long did it take for Obama to come up with his fake birth certificate?


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