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Friday, March 29, 2019

Pelosi: We have a ‘moral obligation’ to future generations on climate change, but not against killing them in the womb

Once again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has played the faith and morality cards to push for an agenda item, starkly showing up her own hypocrisy in the process.

“If you believe, as I do, that this is God’s creation, this planet, we have a moral responsibility to be good stewards of it,” Pelosi said Tuesday. “But even if you don’t subscribe to that, you know we have a moral responsibility to future generations.”

The speaker made the remarks at a press conference for the “Climate Action Now Act” alongside other House Democrats.

Contrast that with Pelosi’s pro-abortion position, which is in direct opposition to the teachings of her faith, since she self-identifies as a Catholic.



  1. Nancy believes we are supposed to be good stewards of the planet because it is GOD's creation. Then why does she want and supports killing babies? They are GOD's creation. Pure Democrat hypocrite.

  2. What a crock. Pelosi has always been about the money. Always follow the money for her stances.

  3. It was the Clintons that made the uranium deal doesn't Pelosi remember that it the Clinton's made millions off of it they hid it in the Clinton Foundation. The hard left needs to learn instead of hounding Trump they need to check into what the Clintons & Obamas have done with this nations money. Who those 2 families were in collusion with needs to be investigated, and a lot of it goes back to the Hillary e-mails, if you remember any history at all just follow the money they leaked. Just follow how two families with no $ all of a sudden had millions. Look at the sale on the houses they bought post presidential terms, chase the $ trail in the Clinton Foundation it was not all donations to campaigns and outside deals.

  4. Good lord, did you vomit onto your keyboard to make that title?

  5. Funny how you are robbing my kids future, and killing our country... All for what? Power???? You are to old to even use the power, and once in power other will want it, so why have it??? you people are morons... but the american people are more of the morons becasue they just take it in the @ss and love it every time, they just don't give a shit, about anything it appears...

  6. 2:32 Your comment really made me laugh. That title comes from heavy eyelids. Blogger only lets you see a portion of the title when creating a post.

  7. Dave T: I guess no moral obligation to stop rampant crime brought by illegal immigration? No moral obligation for our over spent budget? No moral obligation to stop the ridiculous corruption in our government? No moral obligation to protect the unborn? No moral obligation to protect our nation and its citizens from helping our adversaries in Iran, Russia, and North Korea? No moral obligation to defend our constitution and it's God given right to bear arms? Seems like somebody on the radical left is "morally" bankrupt!

  8. Stop picking on Nancy. She's entitled to be associated with the upper class such as the Clintons. She knows that she is not eternal so let her deal with it herself. People need to pay more attention to who they vote into office.


  9. Nancy's logic is that if we kill you while still in the womb you're not part of a future generation.

    And Dr. Governor Northam extends that non-future generation status until after delivery and talking it over.


  10. Nancy's point is climate change. Am I right? How many times does she fly back and forth to San Francisco. 4 - 5 times a month. Nancy please - we are not stupid dear.

  11. Nancy needs a climate change in her depends.


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