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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

KKK, Blackface Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Vetoes Ban on Sanctuary Cities

The Washington Times reported that Governor Northam said he was vetoing the bill Tuesday because it imposes an unneeded burden on local law enforcement officials and “sends a chilling message.”

Republicans in the Virginia General Assembly narrowly passed the legislation along party lines.

Northam also vetoed a bill that would require law enforcement officials to notify the feds when an individual living in the US illegally is released from prison, reported the Times.

Ralph Northam is now on record advocating for the murder of born alive babies and protecting illegal aliens who rape and murder American citizens.



  1. just accept the fact that our government is imposing luciferian idealogy over christian idealogy. it will not work out well dealing in death hate lies and deception.

  2. Sounds like he still has his KKK robe.

  3. More Proof he needs to GO !!!!

  4. Where is "Black Lives Matter" and where are the women of the "Me Too" movement. They should be banging on the doors of the Richmond Capital for also Fairfax's abuse of women. They did in D.C. for the Kavanagh hearing.....Oh, the offenders are democrats. So Women don't really matter nor do black lives, only democrats. I see the hypocrisy.

  5. Democrats are Never held accountable or punished !!!!

    Just like , Oh , Hillary , Lynch , Obama , Bill Clinton ,
    Pelosi , & many more !!!


  6. How disappointing that this puppet hails from the Eastern Shore.

  7. Virginia is a cesspool

  8. Sitting governor caught wearing kkk garb while in MEDICAL SCHOOL and he is still employed and writing laws....msm doesn't even mention it.


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