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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Kathy Szeliga: YES! Maryland should allow this too.


  1. Replies
    1. It's not going to be mandatory, come on now

  2. Why not , I did it going to work in D.C. in 1963 . Harley Davidson XLCH

  3. Great, so some pocket rocket gets killed because he is riding like an a$$$ and gets hit because I am changing lanes on a highway. She rides. She of all people should know better. What an idiot move.

  4. If they do 20 mph but that will NEVER GET ENFORCED.

  5. She must have stock in a rear view mirror manufacturer. Or maybe her husband specializes in shock trauma surgery.

  6. Hey Kathy! How about you hit the books and study up on issues that really advance prosperity in the state. You seem a bit bored over there.

  7. There aren’t enough motorcycle accidents around here??

  8. Great even more accidents on the road. We all know everyone isn't a responsible driver including motorcyclists, if a driver is changing lanes and the motorcyclist decides to do the same, or decides to pull up in a space, the car is attempting to move into BAM! There also are a lot of drivers in cars that weave in an out of traffic which is bad enough and now your adding motorcyclists into the mix. I don't care what DC drivers have done or elsewhere there accidents are probably a larger number.

  9. Allow rolling stops if saving carbon emission is that concerning. Many traffic lights seem to not make sense. I.E. Route 12 and 113.

  10. Those Aholes will be doing 90 and get clipped.

  11. Motorcycles as well as bicycles have to follow the law of the road. This is and should be a violation.

    1. Actually, you are wrong bicycles have now been put into the same reference of laws as pedestrians.

  12. I'm a biker and I think it is a stupid move.

  13. If a biker loses their balance and falls and scrapes up a car, then you will be sitting in traffic watching a fight, or waiting for the law to resolve it.What a Dumb bimbo.

  14. Everyone just keep your doors closed while moving, unless drunk & need to throw up

  15. CA allows for "lane splitting" when vehicles are sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I watched the CHP do it while I was out there. I agree that this would be great in gridlock. However, to allow it while rolling down the highway is just plain stupid.

  16. No, to unsafe...bad idea!

  17. Kathy I feel pretty sure you read the comments posted on this blog so read this.I voted for you once but now I am questioning that decision,what you are proposing will cause a lot of accidents and cost a lot of lives and cause a lot of misery. I am a motorcyclist and have been riding for about 40 years.Drop that idea it is just plain stupid.


  19. Let not become another California!


  20. Not a good idea. Innocent motorist hits a biker or has car damaged, with little recourse. Bikers likely to do this will be pushing their thrill seeker button.

    Why bother with striping the lanes if certain licensed operators can go where they please?

    Know some very conservative bikers. Have seen some total idiots on bikes running much faster than traffic and weaving in and out. Expect their heirs may collect some life insurance but feel sorry for innocent motorists that they run into.

    1. That is not what this law is addressing and talkin about


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