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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Judge strikes down request to expedite case of ISIS bride

A federal judge struck down a request Monday to expedite the case of a woman who is begging to return to America after leaving years ago to join ISIS.

The setback for lawyers representing Hoda Muthana – whose father is suing the U.S. government over the matter – is the latest twist in a Transatlantic saga that has drawn the attention of President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other high-ranking officials.

At a hearing Monday at the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, Muthana’s attorney Charles Swift argued that her proceedings should be sped up because Muthana is facing danger at a refugee camp in Syria where she currently is residing with her 18-month-old son.

But lawyers for the government say Muthana’s case is a “chain of speculation” since it’s not clear what the conditions at the camp are actually like – a sentiment agreed upon by Judge Reggie Walton.

"There hasn't been sufficient evidence shown to me,” Walton said, in regards to whether or not Muthana would face “irreparable harm” if the case is not fast-tracked.

Walton said the case will now “adhere to the normal flow of litigation.”




  1. It is an infiltration tacit... The Gangs us it with some of their members in the military... So they can get trained and teach others...

  2. send her to gitmo she, aided and gave comfort to the enemy

  3. I like the idea David Webb said on Patriot radio today.

    Send a drone strike on her. End of problem.

  4. Send in the Navy Seals and take this traitor out!

  5. Don't do a thing. Let her rot in Syria where she belongs. Both her and her new born TERRORIST.


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