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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Internet Collapses in Venezuela with 80% Offline; Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud Blocked

In the midst of a second nationwide power outage in Venezuela, the vast majority of the country is engulfed in a massive internet outage. The first electrical blackout, which swept across the nation on Thursday, left Venezuela with only two percent connectivity amid the ongoing presidential crisis. Most of the country has been offline since Thursday with limited or no connectivity being reported across large swaths of the South American nation. The NetBlocks Group, a private internet watchdog organization based in the UK, reported on Saturday that 96 percent of the country was offline:

The group provided an update on Sunday noting that 20 percent now have connectivity.
Gains in connectivity have been lost through a series of three distinct new outages as shown in NetBlocks’ network connectivity charts.
Internet-scale network measurements indicate which regions have been affected and to what extent. During previous network and power outages, concerns have been raised about attacks and military activity, and the risk of human rights violations perpetrated under the cover of darkness.


  1. Let them go down. The cheap crude oil they banked on requires to much post processing dependent on developed first world nations. The Russians will take back their investment and leave them hanging and already have.

  2. And this is what Demoncrats want for this country! NO FREAKING WAY!

  3. Send the Democrats there to live incl Bernie !!!!! LOL

  4. They are testing, and soon will come to city near you!!!!!


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