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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"I'm Giving It A Shot" - Biden Reportedly Confirms Run For Presidency

In perhaps the least-surprising political headline of the day, The Hill reports that a senior Democratic lawmaker told them today that former Vice President Joe Biden will run for president in 2020.

“I’m giving it a shot,” Biden said matter-of-factly during a phone call with a House Democratic lawmaker within the past week - a conversation the congressman recounted to The Hill and interpreted as a sure sign that Biden will run in 2020.

However, Biden spokesman Bill Russo refuted the idea that the former vice president is absolutely running:

“He has not made a final decision. No change.”

But, as The Hill notes, at an event with firefighters Tuesday morning, Biden teased a 2020 presidential run as the crowd chanted, “Run, Joe, run!”



  1. Listen. The way I see it - don't trust a democrat. He is lying. He is not running. This is a cover up for the Castro guy you don't hear much from lately. Democrats like to surprise it's opponents. Keep that name in mind. Not hard to forget. Castro - like in Cuba. How strange to potentially have a US president named Castro. Really he is a contender - no joke.

  2. Who cares this man is been in politics for 50 years and has never been right on any issue

  3. Lol. Soon Francis O'rouke will run.

  4. Just look at DELAWARE'S economic outlook. Before this BAAFOON Delaware had several DUPONT plant's. GM AND CHRYSLER PLANT. How many banks closed their doors in Delaware?? The biggest employer in the STATE of Delaware is the STATE of Delaware itself. That means Delaware is a miniature Venezuela . Everyone and everything is controlled by the STATE. Yet people think BIDEN we do GREAT. LMAO.

  5. If he is waiting to grow a set to debate our good president, he might as well throw in the towel now. He will never have a set. After saying he wanted to kick The Donald out back, he is afraid to get close to President Donald J. Trump on stage.

  6. He is a pervert to young girls and should not hold any office. He has never done anything worthy and Delaware lost more major business while he was in office!

  7. "I'm Running" Bowahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

    Good luck Joe, you're gonna need it!!

  8. Let this Washed up Idiot go ahead & run !!! LOL

    Good for Trump !!!! Bring up his Family tendencies !!!!


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