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Saturday, March 02, 2019



  1. The only difference is that Bush and Obama are honorable men despite their political views. Trump is a liar and really only cares about himself.

    1. Bush nor obama are honorable, however bush is more than obam, but nothing to brag about

  2. A government report has just revealed that 11 million taxpayers are losing out on $323 billion worth of deductions due to a punishing change in President Donald Trump’s tax law. MAGA.

    1. Yeah?!! Well 400 people at that plant each got like $1000 bucks after the tax bill was signed because the tax cuts benefited the multi millionaire owner, so there!! MAGA!

  3. 8:43 Honorable men?? YOU call lying to the American people honorable?? You call allowing AMERICAN SOLDIERS die Just to take care of their political friends honorable??
    You call dragging down American values and beliefs honorable??
    You call two men who couldn't stand up on their own without being prompt up by their millionaire corporate buddies honorable??
    What did either of these (cough) men accomplish on their own before being PRESIDENT?? Your probably just a DELUSIONAL POS professor at SALISBURY UNIVERSITY. Real achievement there teaching in a division 4 school teaching white privilege. LMAO.

  4. And you believe what the government says 8:50AM? Also 8:43AM....since when was Obama an honorable man? Trump 2020 MAGA!!!!!


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