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Friday, March 29, 2019

GOP calls for Adam Schiff's resignation in Intelligence Committee clash

House Intelligence Committee Republicans on Thursday demanded Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., resign from his role on the panel during a hearing on Russian interference tactics, provoking a clash between the two parties.

Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, a top member of the panel, told Schiff his claims of collusion between President Trump during the Mueller investigation and afterward undermine his ability to act as chairman of the committee.

“We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties and urge your immediate resignation as chairman of the committee,” Conaway said.



  1. Schiff needs to resign over his inappropriate actions but before he resigns he needs to provide the proof he states he has since he is stating he held back evidence from Mueller.

  2. GOP.....needs to ask for all his income taxes

  3. Pencil neck
    Love it


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