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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Fugitive Warrant Effort In Wicomico Co. Leads To Multi-State Operation And 41 Arrests, Nearly A Dozen Of Whom Are Gang Members

Maryland State Police News Release

Fugitive Warrant Effort In Wicomico Co. Leads To Multi-State Operation And 41 Arrests, Nearly A Dozen Of Whom Are Gang Members

March 7, 2019

(SALISBURY, MD) – Maryland State Police, in partnership with the Salisbury Police Department, assisted in the arrest of more than three dozen people, including nearly a dozen gang members, as part of a multi-state effort to reduce the amount of active fugitive warrants in Wicomico County.

As part of “Operation Hide and Seek,” the Maryland State Police Gang Enforcement Unit, along with allied law enforcement agencies in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, planned, coordinated and implemented a plan to locate and apprehend suspects who had open arrest warrants issued through the Salisbury Police Department.

The operation focused on gathering information and identifying criminal gang members and suspects of open criminal investigations. “Operation Hide and Seek” was conducted on Feb. 20 and yielded 41 arrests, 11 of which had ties to organized gangs and 13 of whom had out-of-state connections.

Among those arrested were:

Xaundrea Mclean, 28, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with second-degree assault and reckless endangerment

Matthew Wekheiser, 34, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with driving on a suspended license

Michael Schiller, 22, of Snow, Hill, Maryland. Charged with second-degree assault

Wood Pierre, 39, of Seaford, Delaware. Charged with second-degree assault and false imprisonment

Latissa Diggs, 45, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with second-degree assault and robbery

Nykeria Reaves, 19, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with second-degree assault and disorderly conduct

Gina Miller, 40, of Bishopville, Maryland. Charged with driving on a suspended license

Sinedra Purnell, 27, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with narcotics distribution and manufacturing opioids

Terius Green, 18, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with motor vehicle theft and concealing a dangerous weapon. Green is also a validated member of the LMF (Loyal Money Family) Bloods

Darryl Miles, 53, of Salisbury, Maryland. Charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance

Two juvenile males wanted on drug possession charges and a Delaware warrant for gang involvement with the Eight Trey Crips

The following law-enforcement partners assisted Maryland State Police with “Operation Hide and Seek:” Virginia State Police, Delaware State Police, Maryland Division of Corrections, Federalsburg Police Department, Cambridge Police Department, Hurlock Police Department, Fruitland Police Department, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office.

This investigation was made possible in part due to funds provided by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP), which supports the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network (MCIN).


Pictures of the subjects can be found HERE


  1. SPD and Jake day must be outraged at these arrests of there Thug pizza friends.

  2. Yea Jake Day no problems here in Salisbury!! Keep spening billions to entertain all your gay friends while your city steadily becomes one of Maryland's worst. I posted this before but I'll say it again, one of my doctor's can't even find a nurse practitioner to run the day to day operations so they can't reduce their travel from Bowie. The reason they keep getting " no one wants to relocate to work/live in Salisbury"

    1. Excuse me millions not billions

  3. WHY is this only happening once a year ? There are TONS of drugs in Salisbury it's just Jake day and chief Duncan who are covering up real crime stats to keep college parents Clueless $$$$$$$$$$$$

  4. So, a warrant round-up in Wicomico County, for Wicomico County warrants and SPD warrants, but the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office didn’t participate? That’s interesting.

    1. Darn it , no Facebook selfie this timeMarch 7, 2019 at 2:30 PM

      Mikey Little Lewis has kicked over his high chair,
      tossed his rubber duckey into the trash....
      and is severely pouting now...

    2. Well, who is to blame this time? Word is that his SWAT team is still suspended, personnel have just had their second round of major transfers in six (6) months, and deputies are not allowed to eat during breakfast or dinner times. It must be the fault of the only two (2) whole deputies working any given patrol shift.

  5. No it can't be true, you just arrested tax payers, now my taxes will go up.

    1. They didn't work or pay taxes 12:33

  6. So, a warrant round-up in Wicomico County, for Wicomico County warrants and SPD warrants, but the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office didn’t participate? That’s interesting.

  7. Clearly there must be something wrong with this information. There is no way 11 of these people had gang ties because Jacob Day assures us there are no gang connections in Salisbury.

    I'm betting they were just checking out the area to plan their trip for when the Folk Festival is back in town and had a bout of bad luck by getting tied up in this mess.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I see that it is all the usual suspects! I left the eastern shore in July 1963 only to return occasionally to visit my parents in Salisbury. It appears to be a whole new world there now. Violent crime, drugs, racial unrest, etc. was once a great place to live and raise kids but no more. Seems to fit the same pattern all of our communities have followed since the legislation of 1964 followed by the other disastrous legislation of 1965. Thanks democrats!


  9. Show their pictures so we know when they meet bail we can recognize the on the same streets.

  10. Affirmative at its best baby!!

  11. Salisbury hate to break it to you but your city is infested with several gang entities.

  12. Funny ! The only effective gangs around here are the Politicians and real estate moguls and they are unarmed. Go figure. Who with right to carry is going too call them out in the street for a shoot out. Yawn. Yeah none of you.

    1. Shootout for what ??? The citizens with concealed carry permits aren't that stupid 4:15
      Apparently you're not well educated on concealed carry

    2. 839 comment?

      why do you need permission to carry as a law abiding citizen?

      Statory laws by DEMONCRATS is why you need permission

      everyone should carry....than the low life would stop ....or die

    3. I dont own a gun but I believe everyone should be able to have one and carry if they so chose. Everyone deserves the right to protect themselves and their families. I lean Democrat but not on the gun issue.

  13. It's smoke and mirrors with a touch of creative writing...

  14. Where was the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. They have too many Chiefs Not Enough Indians. I could a remember a time when Wicomico Sheriff's Office was the premier place to work...too many Monday morning quarterbacks!

  15. Funny they only listed 12, how did that turn into 41. New math I guess

    1. SU graduate degree mathematics!

  16. Gang Members, and they were arrested for a suspended license?

    1. He's not a gang member. Just had a warrant for driving on susp.

  17. Mikey was to busy posing for the cameras as usual. I have never seen an agency of this size have so many supervisors. All Mike's ass kissers are promoted and those that really work never get anywhere. As for the swat team still being suspended Lewis was pissed off they spoke up about his grandstanding on the off duty death of a great deputy. Mike loved him so much he was still a DFC. You do the math. Mike had no lime light for a while so he jumped all over the untimely death of a good man. When Deputy Brune passed he did not get all the attention from Mike. I was and am still offended by Lewis' moral compass. He is by far the most narcissistic person I have ever met. Maybe other agencies did not want his participation in the round up. Wonder why ?

  18. You would have more arrests if you checked out all the houses in the Presidents Neighborhood area you would at least a hundred illegal immigrants. Look for the houses with multiple mail, and electrical boxes and satellite dishes all over the yards and rooves, not to mention non tagged vehicles hidden in yards.

  19. Crips and Bloods. Keep up the good work LE!

  20. Not enough room in the jail for all the criminals around here.

  21. I have been following the situation for sometime at the Sheriffs Office. Yes to many supervisors and not enough deputies on the road. My understanding from a past county council meeting was two of the 1st sgt positions for a total of four are temporary and the office "Is suppossed" to go back down to two 1st SGTS which will place two more deputies on the road. With that said, it seems as though more promotions are coming. Which with the amount of supervision at that office I cannot rap my head around that if it occurs. Sources say road patrol has been running EXTREMELY SHORT! There are currently three supervisors to include a 1st sgt at the court house. No need for three supervisors at that location. Especially a 1st sgt. I hope if the sheriffs office asks for more deputies the council dont forget about those TEMPORARY 1st sgt positions and the amount of supervision already at that office. With this said, I am a supporter of the Sheriffs Office however there MUST be oversight. To many supervisors. As a taxpayer I want to see more deputies on patrol. Sheriff Lewis/Mr Culver please fix this.

  22. If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again. try again.

  23. And Culver wants a drug rehab at poplar hill ? Man I use to respect you Bob but now imI shaking my head.

  24. Hmmmm,

    I dont see that guy who works maintenance at Salisbury University name displayed here yet

    1. What are you concerned about? Count your blessings and mind your own buisness. You can't be taught street smarts in college I see. It is a crime to post someone else's information. Look it up if you dont believe me. And every device has a unique identification even iphones even if you use a vpn law enforcement can find who did what and when. Still think it's funny. Go ahead and write something that is against the privacy laws state and federal and see what happens.

  25. You have got to ask WWLSD!

  26. The Salisbury police dept, needs to police their own too. I saw one today who stopped, and then after a minute or so, went right through the red light. Making a right turn from a left turn lane. I guess he could not be bothered with waiting, because he actually wanted to turn right and did not want to go left and turn around somewhere. Jerk giving other officers a bad name. I did not see the vehicle in time to get the number off it and turn that fool in.

    1. Don't worry I saw a civilain ( a wife of officer) driving a state police suv and I thought about my interactions with state police ie. (speeding seatbelt) whatever. I thought about it hard but left it alone because im not a d***. I don't want to be a d***.

  27. Drug charges are ridiculous. Unless the targets were a high level offenders. I can tell you with certainty that the courts nor prisons want low level offenders clogging up the system in anyway.


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