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Friday, March 01, 2019

Former D.C. Government Employee Convicted of $400,000 Welfare Fraud

A former Washington, DC, government employee was convicted Wednesday of running a $400,000 welfare fraud scheme where he pocketed funds meant for D.C. residents.

Gary T. Holliday, 49, pleaded guilty on Wednesday in his appearance before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and could face up to 41 months behind bars at his June sentencing for the federal wire charge, the Washington Postreported.

D.C. Department of Human Services spokeswoman Dora Taylor-Lowe told the Postthe agency “discovered irregularities” with welfare payments and filed a report with the D.C. inspector general’s office.



  1. Should have all property and assets confiscated and be mandated to repay with interest all money he embezzled. Also be incarcerated until all money has been repaid.

  2. The ENTIRE WELFARE and SOCIAL SERVICES agency is corrupt. Both STATE and FEDERAL levels. They have to be corrupt. They don't know how to do the job. The blacks can't follow simple direction with cops.

  3. Chicken feed.I make that much in a week.

  4. 8:51 PM - So why do you keep on accepting welfare benefits?

  5. Lots of millionaires on the government dole and have no scruples about it,food stamps,grants,cheap healthcare handouts and their the same ones donating to democrats and this all has to do with reported income so when they live thru their non profits this is possible.

  6. 8:51 is one of the CORRUPT WELFARE officer. Can't do his job but sure knows how to steal.


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