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Friday, March 22, 2019

Economic models indicate Trump on track to win re-election in 'landslide': report

Despite low approval ratings and the cloud of the Mueller probe, President Trump would easily win a second term in office if the election were held today, according to economic models with a history of correctly picking presidential victors.

According to a report in Politico, a flourishing U.S. economy – featuring low unemployment numbers, cheaper gas prices and rising wages – paired with the historical advantage that incumbent presidents enjoy give Trump a strong shot at winning a second term in a "landslide."

“The economy is just so damn strong right now and by all historic precedent the incumbent should run away with it,” Donald Luskin, the chief investment officer of TrendMacrolytics, a research firm that predicted Trump’s 2016 win, told Politico. “I just don’t see how the blue wall could resist all that.”




  1. What person in their right mind would vote otherwise??

  2. Don't underestimate the power of youth stupidity.

    1. Please you fu***** idiots are basket cases string out on Prozac and Xanax for anxiety and depression and can't put the phone down checking your social media sites. You morons will burn yourselves out in a matter of a couple years

    2. Don't underestimate the laziness of youth

  3. I'll give you some insight into why one would vote blue. Jared Kushner uses Whatsapp and his personal email for White House business. Remember the Lock her up chant?

    The stupid youth you refer to want a candidate that values a shift towards renewable energy. A candidate that realizes fossil fuels are finite and true economic growth lies in pioneering new technologies as we once did. We desire a candidate who does not mock those with disabilities.

    1. @11;20 what are you basing your info on Elijah Cummings accusations?? Yea that's not the pot calling the kettle black. I wish you idiots would be allowed enough rope to hang yourselves or f*** things up bad enough that I could "help" you along

    2. Jared Kushner isn't running for president in 2020

  4. @11:20 and you'll get a candidate that will make the same empty promises while they become multi millionaires. You have eletric cars, solar and wind power wtf else is there??

  5. And the idiot AOC says socialism will be funded by economic growth. Hey Sugar, there won't be any economic growth if you get everything for free. Who will be stupid enough to work if they don't have to? A lot of our population has already figured that out. Drive by any section 8 housing and count the cars that never leave to go to work. Come nightfall it's ON!

  6. @10:41 your idiotic stands on 9 month abortions was ALL it took

  7. But Florida, New York and California are handing out driver's licenses as fast as they can print them for illegals.


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