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Thursday, March 07, 2019

DNC spurns Fox News for chance to hold 2020 presidential debate

Fox News Channel will not air any debates among 2020 candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Democratic National Committee has decided.

In a scathing statement, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said Fox News is “not in a position” to hold a fair debate for the candidates, pointing to a recent article from the New Yorker outlining how the network has peddled propaganda for President Trump.

“I believe that a key pathway to victory is to continue to expand our electorate and reach all voters,” Perez said. “That is why I have made it a priority to talk to a broad array of potential media partners, including Fox News. Recent reporting in the New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates.”




  2. Actually I'm fine with that. I'm sick and tired of looking at Martha, Bret and Wallace. Talk about no personality. They are the worst.

    1. Wallace is a RINO flip flopper.

  3. They only want CNN, MSNBC and MSM to ask softball questions that does nothing to show their views and how they would govern. They want to hide Harris' past as a political Whore and having affairs with married men to advance her career or Bookers destructive record and how he destroyed the NJ town he was Mayor of or his unwanted sexual adventures with women that was prosecutable offenses. Must I go on? They want their candidates not held accountable.

  4. Dems are afraid of real questions instead they will be asked do you support illegals 9 month abortion world open boarders ANTIFA BLM snowflakes ECT ECT.


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