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Friday, March 29, 2019

Devin Nunes Sending Criminal Referral to DOJ over Spygate: ‘Time to Go on Offense’

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) is planning to send a criminal referral next week to the Justice Department that will detail “multiple referrals on a number of different crimes,” including leaking classified information, as part of his investigation into misconduct at the Justice Department and the FBI.

“As of now, it’ll be one criminal referral but with multiple referrals on a number of different crimes,” he told Breitbart News on Wednesday in an exclusive interview. “We will have some leakers in there for sure.”

He said on the ending of the Special Counsel investigation, after it found the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, “We knew this was a joke from the beginning, and I’ve said as much for a long time. Basically from the time our report came out, which has been a year. But now, the real work begins. It’s good to not have that sitting out there. But we have to now go on offense and track down all these dirty cops and bad players.”



  1. The swamp water is getting lower.

  2. While many might claim this to be a waste of time and assets it is necessary. Why? TO stop the "wolf" criers by penalizing them for false claims, lying, deceit, and misleading the general population. Many of us hang on the words spoken to us as gospel since the vitriol is delivered in such convincing fashion. The likes of CNN and their shills know full well that their "reporting" is a stunt to discredit anyone who is not in lockstep with their ideology. This needs to go ALL the way to the top; Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, and yes HRC and Obama.

  3. The democrats are not giving up on their delegitimization efforts. They're spinning a narrative that mueller just couldn't proveTrump committed a crime, and that he has not been cleared of obstruction of justice. Maryland's own Elijah Cummings is demanding 10 years of financial records for a separate House investigation.

    There needs to be full court press against the deep state operatives that orchestrated events to delegitimize this president. Turn the tables and let's see how these democratic operatives stand up to Mueller-like scrutiny. They need to be exposed and crushed!


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