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Friday, March 29, 2019

Cancer Cluster At California Elementary School Results In Removal Of Sprint Cell Phone Tower

A Sprint cell phone tower will be removed from a California elementary school after four students and three teachers were diagnosed with cancer.

Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago - with some parents even pulling their children from school over the tower which Sprint has been paying the school $2,000 per month to place on its property.

The Ripon Unified School District initially defended the cell phone tower earlier this month, with board president Kit Oase saying tests done on the tower had found it was operating within safety standards.
Monica Ferrulli, whose son was treated for brain cancer in 2017, said RUSD has cited an obsolete American Cancer Society study in keeping the tower in place since the controversy erupted two years ago. “It is just denial,” Ferrulli told the board. She vowed that parents will continue to fight and keep their children out of the school. -Modesto Bee



  1. Safety standards are sometimes wrong.

  2. Safety standards can be bought.

  3. they do not care who they kill for $$ just ask the big pharma drug dealers.

  4. Doesn’t Parkside have a cell tower?

  5. Look around, folks. Every school is getting a cell tower to monitor all calls in and out of the schools.

    Big Brother is here.

  6. Oh the cells phones are not harming then in any way ?

  7. What is the cancer rate at Parkside?


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