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Friday, March 29, 2019

And the winner of The Post’s Mueller Madness bracket is …

We have a national champion . . . of lousy “collusion” punditry.

It was a tough bracket, featuring some of the biggest names in the prestige press, late-night comedians, ­C- and D-list celebs, scholars, think-tankers and freshly minted Russia experts. But top-seeded Rachel Maddow dribbled and scored her way past them all to clinch The Post’s #MuellerMadness trophy.

Congratulations to Maddow and her MSNBC colleagues!

More than 1,000 readers shared their brackets with us, and a large plurality (nearly a quarter) picked Maddow for the top spot. As reader Jim Murphy said, Maddow “ripped through the field like the Isiah Thomas Indiana team did back in 1981,” fueled by the conviction that it was “her job to educate ‘We the Stupid’ on every rumor and how they all fit together.”



  1. Not a real bracket buster there. She's got a really bad case of collusion delusion.

  2. She just proves how empty smarminess really is.

  3. Media personnel really need to pay attention to this bracket as they could be the next big winner. All they need to do is just keep on telling lies, lies and more lies and whamo, there they are the big Liar Winner.

  4. She is a trigger for millions.

  5. 5:24 nailed it. All of these liberals can't be that intellectually inept on their own. They need some sort of catalyst.

  6. Rachel "Madcow" Maddow, Adam "Pencilneck" Shiff, and Eric "bleachboy" Swalwell need to move on. Their hatred for Trump trumps their common sense and ability to see things for what they are. America needs to call them out as left wing ideologues and a waste of our time.


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