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Monday, March 11, 2019

And Just Like That


  1. AOC needs to visit Venezuela and speak first hand to people who have walked that mile. Or, closer to home, go to Canada and ask how that socialized medicine is working out...ehhh.

  2. the dumbest ones are the ones that voted for her, and BTW do not think for a moment that she is not part of a greater plan

  3. 8:00 AM my niece is Canadian and her birth cost my brother $80. Care to compare that with a birth in the US? Ehhhh?

    1. What year in the 1800's was that

  4. 8 AM the difference between countries with socialized medicine like Canada or the UK is they choose to live in a society in which worth isn't measured by social status. Imagine that. You can also purchase supplemental insurance if you need it.

  5. She did say she thinks we need to treat America's vets better.

    She added that she really likes her dogs vet and he is a nice guy.


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