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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Alexander: The House Impeachment Subterfuge to Obstruct MAGA

Game on!

Democrat Party leaders are doing everything they can to derail Donald Trump’s successful “Make America Great Again” agenda and prevent any further success ahead of the 2020 election. Their win-at-all-costs tactics include seeding an economic recession by angling for impeachment, which will undermine all the economic confidence indexes.

Phase 1 of their plan was winning back the House on their “Hate Trump” platform — as they had and have nothing else to offer. Unfortunately, with the help of hundreds of millions of dollars of “in kind” advertising from their Leftmedia propagandists, they succeeded.

Phase 2 is setting Trump up for an inquisition and impeachment. Their angle of attack?

It likely won’t be Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s phony Russian collusion investigation, which was sparked by the fake Russian dossier funded by Hillary Clinton and her DNC hacks. That scheme was then promoted by her political sycophants, former FBI Director James Comey and other deep-state operatives who, in effect, attempted a coup d'etat to entrap Trump and expel him from office.

The fact that Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and other co-conspirators have yet to be indicted is an affront to Rule of Law.

Two years into the “collusion” charade, the Senate has concluded its bipartisan Trump/Russia investigation and determined that there’s not a shred of evidence to support the Clinton/DoJ claims.

So House Democrats will now conduct their own post-Mueller “collusion” investigation, continuing what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defined as a “Wrap-Up Smear” tactic against Trump. It will include accusations of obstruction and campaign-finance violations, the latter fitting neatly into their “stolen election” narrative.



  1. They are breaking the oath to protect and defend our Constitution. Democrats are the Anarchist and are attempting to overthrow the US government and Democracy.

  2. Pray for our president.

  3. Don't forget the balless Republicans who'd rather support democrats, illegals, and Muslims instead of standing behind the PRESIDENT.

    1. You mean like that POS RINO hogan 6:33

  4. How could they start investigation without evidence on the candidate President and then the President, unless they lied? If I was one of the Fired FBI agents I would flee the country. Prison is coming


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