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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Air Show Contract Delayed Over Concerns With Future Dates

OCEAN CITY – What appeared to be heading toward a routine approval for a memorandum of understanding for future Ocean City air shows was stalled this week over questions about the flexibility of the dates for the promoter.

The Mayor and Council had before them on Monday a seven-item consent agenda that included, among other things, approval for various special events such as the Crab Soup Cook-Off and various others such as Boardwalk 5Ks for charity and a renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) for future Ocean City air shows in 2020 and 2021, for example. As it name implies, the consent a-genda includes recurring events or other issues that are fairly cut-and-dried and not typically controversial. More often than not, the consent agenda is approved as a matter of course with little or no discussion.

The consent agenda on Monday appeared to be heading that way with a motion to approve and a second before Councilman John Gehrig raised questions about a clause in the air show MOU that left open some of weekend dates for the air show in 2020 and 2021.



  1. Rickie and Co, infamous for messing up a good thing. Hey tiny time City Hall, allow the MILITARY to be flexible when it comes to scheduling. They are only allowing our town to make MONEY by being part of the show.

    Focus your attention on town needs rather than your pee brained wants.

    Good example of a need - NO RAIN on July 4th. Keep messing with karma and it will continue to RAIN like in the recent past.

    Another example of a need - proper parking design in the inlet. Can't leave well enough alone with attendants and had to go to computer apps. Many without that technology and MANY kiosks did work on Fridays and Saturdays. Need employees available round the clock during the season. Why? That's when your MONEY tree (VACATIONERS) are here!


  2. I guess that event will be leaving OC in a few years due to someone wanting to strong arm them. The air show doesn't need OC. There are thousands of towns or cities that would love to have them if OC rejects the date of availability.

  3. Typical Ocean City idiocy.. I'm surprised they don't slap on the good old special event status so they can ticket the planes..


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