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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Wicomico County Executive Letter To Council President John Cannon To Step Down

Dear John, 

Over the last 30 plus years I have been before County Council with my businesses, and over the last eight years as a Council person or Executive, I have never been more embarrassed for Wicomico County as I was for the Council’s behaviors last week. Led by you, you proclaimed the Executive’s office did not show to answer questions on Poplar Hill and we were stomping our feet and not showing up because we did not get our way on another request. You continued to proclaim that this was such a tragedy for the citizens of Wicomico County and it was no fault of the County Council. Furthermore, you continue to place blame on the Executive’s office. 

When we found out Thursday evening that you placed Poplar Hill on the agenda for a work session, Wayne Strausburg called Laura Hurley to have it removed because we were not ready to go public. You were also aware that we were still awaiting a response from the State regarding the lease and other questions that we had proposed to the State. Laura explained to the Executive staff that you were asked twice to remove this from the agenda and that if we did not go through with this that you would be very upset. Once again, this proved that you were not looking out for the County residents’ best interest, rather you instead wanted to chastise the Executive’s office for not keeping you informed on public television. 

We have been glad to keep you abreast of all things regarding Poplar Hill as we have found out information along the way. If you remember, when you met with me for 1.5 hours a couple weeks ago in my office, we talked about Poplar Hill and I answered every question you had. I also told you that we wanted to know what the state requirements were going to be before going public. 

I hope you notified other Council members of our meeting and all subjects we talked about. Wayne and I explained that my choice was not to put ourselves in a position of not giving out complete information. However, that did not seem to stop you and other Council persons from criticizing. Did you tell the Council members what we talked about in its entirety? 

We also invited the Council to the property site and shared our ideas for the facility from day one. Since that day, despite overwhelming support from the Governor, you and other members of the Council have sought to undermine the project, making untruthful and reckless comments. We have repeatedly advised you that there were many details that needed to be investigated before we could have a meaningful dialogue with the public.  And yet you persisted with empty, negative rhetoric designed to undermine trust.  You have succeeded.  We no longer trust the Council under your leadership as a working partner to improve this County.  Rather we view you as an entity almost solely focused on undermining me and my administration.  

Another thing that needs to be straightened out is this last audit on the Election’s office. First, it was not in the plan of the yearly audit to be completed. There was no resolution for this audit. The charter requires a resolution for special audits. Who authorized it? The audit was the worst written, incomplete audit that I have seen produced. Neither auditor has any relevant experience that would enable an objective report. The auditors spoke to the Director of Elections about room sizes and bathrooms, when in fact the Director and Board of Directors had the plans for over 6 months and worked with the Executive’s office on layout. Furthermore, the auditor violated the Council’s adopted legislation (bill 2018-06) by not allowing management response within 30 days before internally releasing it. This is not the first audit that has violated this legislative action. I see these audits as hatchet jobs by Council directed towards the Executive’s office. 

Over the past several years, you have taken it upon yourself to interfere with the Executive functions, directly violating the charter (section 314). At one time I had invited Council persons to speak directly with County Department heads to help initiate clear communication amongst Executive and Legislative branches of government. However, you have no right to approach board members or department heads and ask them to resign or they will not be confirmed because you disagree with their professional decision making. Before Christmas, you and Laura approached the County Attorney and asked him to resign stating that he also would not be confirmed. A similar action was taken against the Ethics Commission Chair after you stated that Council did not agree with the Ethics Board’s ruling. 

In order for Wicomico County to move forward with the critical work and accomplishments, the Executive and County Council need the ability to work together and communicate.  The continuous attempt to spar with the Executive’s office over trivial matters is counterproductive.  While Council pronounces to be the “watch dogs” over Executive actions, we question Council’s confusion over charter authority.

Over the last several years: a) there have been continuous leaks from Council’s closed sessions; b) legislative actions are continuously being designed to circumvent the charter and reduce the Executive’s authority; c) there has been no communication with the Executive other than letters clearly written by the Council’s Attorney; d) there is a weaponized Internal Auditor that clearly lacks independence in preforming his job duties; e) a repeated Council interference in the Executive function; f) a continuous effort to ignore the advice of highly competent experts and decisions based on ignorance accompanied by a refusal to learn; g) the repeated public commentary designed to belittle the Executive and administration are not trustworthy or truthful; h) you preach transparency while not exhibiting any what so ever in your actions, and; i) it is clear that your decisions are grounded in personal differences with me rather than the best interest of the County. 

Based on the actions above, I have little confidence that these situations will change under your leadership. I request that you step down as Council President and allow another member to step into your role to better accomplish the business and goals of the Wicomico County citizens. If you find this a harsh request, then maybe we can refer this matter to the Ethics Commission for resolution.

Bob Culver 
County Executive 


  1. Damn! He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee!
    Don't hold back, Bob, say what you really feel.

  2. Ouch. Thanks for exposing the abuse of power and the personal agenda of the county council.

  3. Wow, nice letter !
    It's been long know that there is friction
    with Council and Bob. It's not good to
    divide our County as has been done. So,
    think it's time for change here.

  4. John Cannon is a snake in the grass! He needs to champion the exe, county mangers, and follow the course charted by the exe.
    Help lead or get out of the way.

  5. Cannon must leave. Has always been for himself only and is a real troublemaker...NOT a team player; only wants total control...lines his pockets whenever possible. you can take that to the bank.

  6. Way to go, Bob!

    John, you've been warned many times before but just don't seem to get it. You need to give up the presidency to someone without what appears to be some sort of axe to grind.

  7. The only reason Cannon or the comeback kid McCain got elected is because they were the lesser evil compared to Julie brewington. Hell she still gave them a run for their money

    1. Julie Brewington is a sloppy drunk with no scruples or class. A vote for her is like electing the local slush. Why does Martin still allow her to work at his agency is a mystery. Would you buy a house from a sloppy drunk?

  8. Nice letter Bobby, your doing a great job.

  9. Walk away quickly John, its gunna get ugly.

    Then again, maybe its high time we show corrupt individuals what they should expect from now on when they infiltrate our Gov.

    1. Come now. You really think Johnny’s that smart? Seriously. You must have him mistaken with the Smart Twin Bobby. John ain’t that bright.

  10. Wow...nice letter sir. All I can add is that I did not vote for Cannon and never will. That should sum up my opinion without lengthy comment.

  11. Cannon is a slim POS slumlord.

    1. Is there a landlord seen any other way?

  12. It's about time someone settled that spoiled arrogant brat down, him and Holloway are in it together. The both need to be removed from council. How do we do this ? Let's start now.

    1. Petition for removal and collect as many signatures from his district as possible and any county resident on top of that!
      I will gladly sign it!!

  13. Don't forget Joe Holloway, his partner,cronie. Joe always votes and does what John says. They have bullied the council for too long. I say we the people need to get rid of them both.

  14. Why don't you help us get Jake Day out of office which is a higher priority, He is a major blight on Salisbury, has cost the city and tax payers a fortune with his lofty, dreamer crazy ideas and yes I know you are county and he is city, but you could start the drive to end our Mayors reign, we would all gladly sign the partition.

    1. You had a chance to have a good mayor and you blew it. You guys fall for the micro machine of deception in Salisbury way too much. The fact is when nimrods like Day run unopposed, there’s nothing anyone can do. You know that idiot will vote for himself and even one vote wins it if the person runs unopposed. The problem with Salisbury is anyone decent either 1) doesn’t want to put up with the garbage like being crank called on their cellphone in the middle of the night by the opponent or 2) doesn’t live in Salisbury because the hospital and the University are literally eating up whole neighborhoods and kicking citizens out of what used to be family oriented areas. You people did this to yourselves. You vote irresponsibly and this is what you get. Ireton and Tilghman never should’ve gotten past their first term and yet you kept voting for trash. Now you have the Jakester, who if it weren’t for daddy, wouldn’t even have the cash to run for hall monitor at the local high school.

      First, you need to stop placating the local canal and start thinking for yourselves. All you have to do is follow the money. Who has bought up a substantial part of downtown for bargain basement prices? You can start with those two crooks and work your way up. Wise up. Life ain’t fair but if you’re smart you can have some semblance of a level playing field if you use your heads for something more than a GD hat rack for a change. Sheesh!

    2. Family oriented areas around the hospital..,where? When did you ever need cash to be a hall monitor, hmm?

  15. Politics are so distasteful that quality people don't want to expose themselves or their families to it.

    Most of those who run are egomaniacs (Day for example), have an agenda (many) or are nuts (Brewington).

    So...we, the public, are left to choose between bad or very bad. Wicomico is a mess. With that said, Cannon needs to be removed as Council president. Just think - we could potentially move up from very bad to bad!

  16. Had NO idea Joe Holloway was going along with Cannon. He knows Better. Actually my councilman. I'm Very disappointed. Please make this statement about him more clear. What proof?

  17. Well stated Bob. I agree with everything you wrote.

  18. With as much real estate as John Cannon and his companies own it is a conflict of interest for him to act in a legislative capacity within Wicomico County. His decisions on County council will always be in a way that benefit him and his companies not how it affects citizens. I didn't vote for him because of this. He has too much of an interest to serve himself and not the residents.John Canon doesn't care what any of you think. He is biased and self serving.


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