Now anonymous sources have provided the Washington Free Beacon with what they claim is the employee manual for the 2020 Klobuchar presidential campaign. We cannot confirm its authenticity, but it rings true. Here it is, in full:
- When Amy comes into the office, she will request a black coffee. Amy believes that coffee naturally tastes sugary, so you should add half a packet of sugar anyway. She will tell if it's Splenda.
- There is a poncho and goggles on the coatrack outside Amy's office. Wear them when delivering the coffee.
- Amy will require you to taste the coffee before she drinks it. Your lips are not to touch the lid. This tends to mean scalding, so it's recommended you suck on ice each morning to numb your throat and tongue.
- Amy will occasionally claim that she has kidnapped your family and will harm them if she does not get her coffee within a time limit. This is almost never true.
Article is somewhat funny. However I've seen and heard bosses treat staff with distain. Yet outside the office delivers chocolates and genuine politeness. Go figure. Must be a very insecure 😈 individual or uses people to get ahead. Either way it is ugly.