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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

WATCH: Cory Booker Tries To Trap Judicial Nominee, Embarrasses Himself

Sen. Cory 'Spartacus' Booker tried to trap President Donald Trump's nominee to replace Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday and ended up embarrassing himself.

During the confirmation hearing, Booker pressed Neomi Rao over her stances on LGBT issues, specifically on whether she has ever hired any LGBT law clerks.

"Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?" Booker asked.

Watch it here:


  1. From now on if I make a really stupid mistake, I will not say I made a mistake. I will say I 'bookered'. Maybe it will catch on...

  2. Open mouth, insert foot


  3. Maybe he shouldn't have his make-believe buddy T-Bone drafting his questions.

    On a more positive light he has apparently found a woman willing to pose as his girlfriend to tamp down questions.

  4. Booger needs to be the poster boy for what a failure affirmative action is. The pea brain has such an uncontrollable one track urge to catch a conservative that the moron failed to read the woman's resume either that or since it is debatable if he even has a brain he forgot what he read. She never had a law clerk because she's never been a judge. The unfortunate thing is blacks because they have historically voted stupidly will continue to vote for him just because he is black.

  5. What an A hole. Hey stupid did you ever hire any LGBT congressional aides?


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