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Friday, February 22, 2019

Warren Proposes Universal Childcare Funded By ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax’

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren laid out a new universal child care plan on Tuesday.

To fund said plan, the recently declared 2020 presidential contender announced her proposal to institute an “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” that her campaign estimates would generate $2.75 trillion in revenue over a 10-year period. Warren announced her long-anticipated plan in a Medium.com post.

“Today, in more than half the states in the country, a year of childcare costs more than a year of in-state college tuition,” Warren said. “We’re placing a huge financial burden on working families looking to find a safe and nurturing place for their kids.”



  1. How convenient to leave out the "regular" millionaires like herself, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and God only knows how many other reps like her.

  2. This gonna cost lots of wampum.

    Many blankets and beads.

  3. Tax the rich,
    Feed the poor,
    'Til there are no rich no more.

    I'd love to change the World,
    but I don't know what to do,
    so I leave it up to you.

    "I'd Love To Change The World"

    -Ten Years After, from 'A Space In Time'

  4. Thank God I'm just a "regular" millionaire!

  5. We're already doing this for everyone who sneaks across the border.


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