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Friday, February 15, 2019

Want To Connect With Trendy Millennials? Try Discussing Older Music, Study Finds

On the whole, millennials are regarded as forward-thinking — but you wouldn’t know by looking at their playlists. New research reveals that millennials’ listening habits are quite diverse. So diverse that many 20-somethings are almost as familiar with oldies as with today’s top hits.

We learn this by way of a recent song recognition experiment at New York University, in which nearly 650 millennials took part. Participants, mostly 18 to 25, were shown seven short snippets of one-time Billboard No. 1 hits, released sometime between the 1940s and 2015. After each audio sample, participants were asked to identify the song played.

Senior author Pascal Wallisch and his research team then tallied each identified track by year of release, letting them pinpoint the present-day popularity of songs from earlier eras.

Overall, songs released in the 21st century — 2000 to 2015 — were the best identified, but tracks released from 1960 to 1999 didn’t lag far behind. In fact, all songs from this latter 40-year period enjoyed roughly the same degree of popularity.



  1. That's because that's when the only real music was made. Early rock thru classic rock and including classic country.

  2. Oh yeah all the hipsters are into vinyl records and film photography. All these nostalgic technologies like craft beer and pickles. Any Hobby distraction from their ill fated dept ridden futures and their gender race and political dysphoria's. Starving suckling at the teet of the American Dream.

    1. Yes the really good music were on vinyl disks. Did we mind - NO. It was all that was available. The music is even better now with high tech. I grew up at a great time like many baby boomers. Don't think that era will ever happen again.

    2. And why are they in debt again?

  3. I'm 33 and my favorite band is The Animals. And my parents raised me right so I'm not a liberal idiot.

  4. Yea and they most likely just looked it up on their phones

  5. Today's "music" is crap!

  6. I read a list of the new Grammy winners. It's weird how one never hears those songs on the radio. Just like the movies that wins Oscars. I rarely have watched any of them in recent years. Also, Black Panther was one of the most awful movies of last year, but it is regarded as a huge success with addressing racial disparity. Let's face it, it sucked and it was much better when it was titled the Lion King.


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