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Friday, February 08, 2019

Wake Up America


  1. Even more importantly, the TSA is useless at anything more than kabuki theater and 90% of the federal workforce that got furloughed is incapable of doing the job they are supposed to do anyway...

    Build the freakin' wall or shut the government down!

  2. BUILD THE WALL NOW NOT LATER, JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Shut the government down AND fire all the federal deadbeats. TOO MANY PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY THE FED THAT SERVE NO PURPOSE!!!!!

  4. There is ZERO reason for a shut down. These things aren't even comparable.

    There is NO reason to deny AMERICAN's their livelihood to advance a political goal or satisfy a campaign trail applause line.

    800,000 American Families without paychecks. 1.4 Million private contractors that support these agencies, more Americans that will not get paychecks or back pay. Businesses that rely on the patronage of these Americans... lost dollars in revenue. 11 billion dollars, the amount the last shut down cost the economy.

    NO ONE believes that illegal immigration is not a problem, it's the solutions that are up for debate... but to pretend that holding American Families paychecks, livelihood, and the economy is OK to forward a specific campaign promise is unconscionable. It's crass, it's inconsiderate, and to be frank it's un-American, not to mention dishonest.

    1. 5 billion dollars for the wall is much less than a 11 billion dollar loss


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