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Friday, February 08, 2019

US withdrawal from Afghanistan requires Kabul government and Taliban to strike peace deal first

U.S. troops won't leave Afghanistan until the Afghan government and the Taliban have a ceasefire and a political plan for peace, according to a new report.

“Everything is to be implemented at the same time,” a senior administration official said,according to the Washington Post.

The official said a withdrawal of U.S. troops will only occur after the completion of several goals and total agreement on all issues has “not only has been completed, but has started to be implemented.” The official did not disclose the specific benchmarks that must be met.



  1. Bring our boys home. There is nothing in that waste land worthy of exploiting.

  2. I’m pretty sure that what it requires is an agreement to grow, harvest, and ship the poppies to CIA controlled corporations.

    Until then, the bombings will continue.


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