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Friday, February 15, 2019

Two-Thirds Of All US Bankruptcies Are Primarily Caused By Medical Bills, New Study Finds

Our health insurance system is theoretically supposed to prevent Americans from going bankrupt when they are hit by huge medical bills.
But in case after case, that is simply not happening.

Even though more Americans are “covered by health insurance” than ever before, a new study has found that “about 530,000 families each year are financially ruined by medical bills and sicknesses”, and most of those families actually had health insurance.

These days, most health insurance policies closely resemble Swiss cheese because they are so full of loopholes, and health insurance companies have become masters at finding ways to wiggle off the hook. So every year hundreds of thousands of American families find themselves facing huge medical bills that they did not expect to be paying, and as a result medical expenses are the primary factor in 66.5 percent of all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States…

For many Americans, putting one’s health first can mean putting one’s financial status at risk. A study of bankruptcy filings in the United States showed that 66.5% were due, at least in part, to medical expenses.

The study, led by Dr. David Himmelstein, Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Hunter College and Lecturer at Harvard Medical School, indicates that about 530,000 fa
But wasn’t Obamacare supposed to make things better?

Yes, that was what we were promised, but the authors of the study discovered that the percentage of bankruptcies caused by medical bills actually went up by 2 percent after Obamacare went into effect…

The current study found no evidence that the ACA reduced the proportion of bankruptcies driven by medical problems: 65.5% of debtors cited a medical contributor to their bankruptcy in the period prior to the ACA’s implementation as compared to 67.5% in the three years after the law came into effect. The responses also did not differ depending on whether the respondent resided in a state that had accepted ACA’s Medicaid expansion. The researchers noted that bankruptcy is most common among middle-class Americans, who have faced increasing copayments and deductibles in recent years despite the ACA. The poor, who were most helped by the ACA, less frequently seek formal bankruptcy relief because they have few assets (such as a home) to protect and face particular difficulty in securing the legal help needed to navigate formal bankruptcy proceedings.



  1. Im no fan of Obamacare. I also do not recall anything in the Constitution that enumerates health care as an individual right. While the ACA is completely flawed law, personal financial and physical responsibility is a notion that needs to be revisited.

  2. 6:57 AM such a nasty clueless comment from someone who has never been put in that position. You are obviously too stupid to realize you are also most likely a cancer diagnosis and hospital bill away from bankruptcy.

    1. 12:10pm..interesting approach to a "thoughtful discussion". Do all rational thoughts that cross your radar fall into "they must be an idiot" box? Or do you simply believe that your existence warrants society catering to your every whim and need without consequence or personal responsibility? Making so many assumptions about someone you know nothing about. Perhaps you should reconsider which of us is the stupid one.


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