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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Trump's Agenda Is a Winning Formula for Black America

My fellow Americans.

Given that the Democratic Party chose to select a recently defeated political candidate to give a response to the president’s State of the Union address because she is black and a woman, I feel I should also step up and give my response.

Although I have not recently lost a governor’s contest, I am black and I am a woman.

Democrats want Americans, particularly minority Americans, to believe that a left-wing agenda is what they need and what will define America’s future.

I am here to say today that the agenda of the left is the problem, not the solution.

For too many years the left—and I am talking here about those with a hard-core secular humanist and socialist agenda—have been dominating discourse in our minority communities.

America’s future is in the values that defined it from the beginning. Christianity, capitalism, and the Constitution.

When I say Christianity, I do not mean to deny the bedrock of religious freedom. I mean to say that theses values must be predominant and define our nation and our culture.

There is no freedom without family, and there is no family without faith. It’s as simple as that.



  1. and nothing is more maddening for the democrats. They want blacks kept in chains. Chained up in sub standard housing, sub standard schools, making low wages so then they are dependent on the government. When you have to depend on the government you are nothing more then a slave.

  2. Compare this to Obama's two terms and ask yourself if Hillary would have done things any differently.

  3. My listeners. Yes. This is the factual nature of our times. Fellow travelers, you must be aware of the era we have entered. Ushered in by the 1994 rise of the connected ones, we have slowly been giving away our Sovereign rights to the New World Order. Some if you mock my words. But you know they are true. Facebook. The Amazon machine. Google. Mant of you give your Information to the machines and their operators, usually Mindless Drone Leftists such as Jeff Bezos. Twitter. Yes. Many of the Drones put all of their information out on Facebook. Zuckerberg wants your data. Why? Now the push to silence our First Amendment rights as well as those that guarantee them. Why? They want socialism and the destruction of our beautiful nation. Heterosexual men of European decent are made to feel inferior. Like a plague. I for one will not be made to feel this way.

    The question is-

    What do they have in store for you?

  4. As quoted from the article:

    "There is no freedom without family, and there is no family without faith. It’s as simple as that."

    This assertion from the author is flatly false, and glues a string of words together to seem like they are saying some profound deepity, but what is being expressed is false.

    Being "free" and being in a "family" are two mutually exclusive, non relatable things. One does not depend on the other. One's freedom does not rely on ones "famili-ness", and one being part of a family has no relation nor impact on ones "free-ness or freedom".

    One having faith, has no bearing on them having a family. Conversely, Being in a family has zero to do with having "faith". In fact, there plenty of families who are Atheist, mine included, who arguably have no "faith" as this is being used.... and wouldn't you know it... we are still a tight knit loving family!

    One of the reasons there is religious liberty and the establishment clause in the Constitution, along with a prohibition on religious tests for office, is because of the infighting between different sects of Christianity when our founding documents were penned. The authors of these documents were wise enough to see the problems of allowing theism or religion to mix with government.. and were smart enough to set a precedent against it, to keep government neutral.


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