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Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Trump inaugural committee subpoenaed by federal investigators

The federal investigation into President Trump’s inaugural committee has intensified with a subpoena ordering the handover of virtually all documentation to prosecutors looking into possible crimes including conspiracy against the U.S., wire fraud, and money laundering.

“We have just received a subpoena for documents. While we are still reviewing the subpoena, it is our intention to cooperate with the inquiry,” a spokesperson for the inaugural committee toldABC News.

The move by prosecutors underlined the reality that the investigations into Trump have stretched far beyond his campaign's potential ties to Russia during the 2016 election and now include his presidential bid, his inauguration, his businesses and his actions while in office.



  1. Here we go again More Witch Hunt !!!!

    What will it be Next week????? !!!!!!

    1. Yep most successfull witch hunt in history

  2. New York is going broke and they waste money on this but seems the voters are all for it.

  3. When are they going to start investigate the real criminals?
    Are they wearing blinders?

  4. These charges are what the Clintons enacted and they are trying to blame Trump. Go after the real criminals starting with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

  5. Hell hath no furry like that of Hillary losing to Trump.


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