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Friday, February 22, 2019

The US ‘Has the Most Mass Shootings’—and Other Bogus Gun Research

Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., warned President Donald Trump that if he declared an “emergency” to build a wall, “think what a president with different values can present. … Why don’t you declare [the epidemic of gun violence in America] an emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would. … A Democratic president can declare emergencies as well.”

Her fellow Democrats, Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., quickly agreed. Warren tweeted: “Gun violence is an emergency. Climate change is an emergency.”


Not every problem in America should be declared an emergency—or used by a president to justify acting without Congress.



  1. Declaration of a national emergency regarding illegal immigration:
    it's legal, the Dem-led Congress blocks everything Trump at every turn, and the action is in the best interests of the American people and the nation.
    Pushing this president into a corner is not a particularly wise or fruitful thing to do.

  2. How about a National Emergency to deal with anti-Americans like Pelosi, et al?


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