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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The cutting-edge war to erase our culture

The recent news that the University of Notre Dame, responding to complaints by some students, would “shroud” its twelve 134-year-old murals depicting Christopher Columbus was disappointing.

It was not surprising, however, to anyone who has been paying attention to the widespread attack on America’s past wherever social justice warriors congregate.

Queried about the censorship, Notre Dame’s president, the Rev. John Jenkins, said, apparently without irony, that his decision to cover the murals was not intended to conceal anything, but rather to tell “the full story” of Columbus’ activities.

Welcome to the new Orwellian world where censorship is free speech and we respect the past by attempting to elide it.

Over the past several years, we have seen a rising tide of assaults on statues and other works of art representing our nation’s history by those who are eager to squeeze that complex story into a box defined by the evolving rules of political correctness.



  1. Just another sign how the Catholic Church is cowering to the PC crowd. I wish they would show the RACEof these 1% . But we ALL know. Let's go to an (cough) elite college for free but let's destroy it while we are there. You all want to KNOW why we have FAGGS as priests in the Catholic Church??


  2. This was the NUMBER ONE reason I voted for and was so incredibly happy that Donald Trump won the election. Not as much that he won, be that Hillary Clinton lost.
    I felt that the moral decay of our country's values had reached a tipping point. I feared that without an intervention, we would go right down the toilet since we were already circling the drain.
    I knew that, if she won, she would have at least 2 chances to stack the SCOTUS, and liberalize every federal court in the country, which is our last defense to curb the insanity of over abundance of California and New York liberals and their illogical propaganda via the MSM.
    I also knew that, if left unchecked (since the MSM feeds off the regurgitated liberal nonsense like a baby bird), our country was quickly heading to a socialistic country.
    The future, to me, IMHO, was scary under the totalitarian leadership of another Clinton.
    I understand why many voters dislike Trump. I get it. But, Stephen King could not have written a scarier story than what our country would have gone through if he lost.

  3. 7:45 unfortunately what you are going to get after Trump will be even further left. By putting someone this incompetent in office you have shot yourself in the foot.

    America is a melting pot. That means many, many cultures. Celebrate Christmas? Halloween? St. Patricks Day? Cinco de mayo? Tell me which of those were created by the indigenous inhabitants of this continent? Conservatives are scared of anything that isn't whitewashed or Christian. There is an entire world of other people out there, time to get used to it. If you want to live in some crazy whitey tightey wearing utopian white society move to Utah ;)

    1. Just STOP already. Your making a fool out of yourself with these non factual broad comments. He's been in 2 year's and with every faction against him he's still kicking ass. Better yet he's kicking your ass. How do I know?? Your STUPID POSTS. Better I understand your a DELUSIONAL democrat. They have meds for that. It's CALLED a 45 cal. Pistol. LMAO.

  4. 9:58 Keep drinking your liberal Kool-Aid! Apparently, you and your kind drank so much last time, you're flawed candidate lost the election because you all live in a metropolitan, liberal echo-chamber and absolutely KNEW you would win because that's all you heard from the MSM. And then you needed safe spaces and puppies to get over it when you didn't.
    You're dwelling on the religious side of that argument and I don't think that the writer you criticized was even talking about religion.
    It seems that he/she was talking about the fear of big-Gov taking over every aspect of our lives via deceit (Deep State) and propaganda. (Think Hitler and Stalin)
    The conservatives do not have that luxury, since only 1/10th of the news we see is conservative (Fox), hence no way for big-Gov to use the media for propaganda.
    So, my advice to you is to start using the other 90% of your cerebrum and see what is happening in our country, where bureaucrats want more power and will use YOUR money to get it and keep it. You are just a willing, manipulated pawn to achieve their objectives. Unfortunately, you -and millions like you- are just not smart enough to realize it.

  5. American culture is being Erased !!!! Wake up America !!!

    All the Dems care about is everybody elses !!!!!


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