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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Study: Trump's Obamacare Reforms Will Save Americans $450 Billion

A White House study released on Friday found that President Donald Trump’s Obamacare reforms will save Americans roughly $450 billion over the next ten years.

A White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) study released on Friday found that Americans will save $450 billion through Trump’s Obamacare reforms. The CEA suggested that Trump’s repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate and the expansion of short-term insurance plans and Association Health Plans (AHPs) will save Americans billions over the next ten years.

The White House also suggested that the benefits of Trump’s deregulatory actions saved Americans billions, increased access to more health insurance options, and did not amount to a “sabotage” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).



  1. obama the garbage lying ghetto hustler said people would see a decrease. He lied constantly and about everything. Mine kept going up and up to become obamacare "compliant." I ended up paying 4 times more then before. I was forced and had to pay for things I would never need like tattoo removal, birth control, addiction services. I can't stand obama nor anyone who supported him or voted for him. You support a liar then you yourself are garbage and beneath me.

  2. Chalk up another victory for the people that won't be seen in the MSM.

  3. Voted against Obama twice. Still don't know why he was elected for a second term. I guess the media had to save face.


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