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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Steele: Alleged Domestic Terrorist White Nationalist Hasson Is Trump’s ‘People’

Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” the former chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele commented on Coast Guard lieutenant and self-identified white nationalist Christopher Paul Hasson, who was arrested by the FBI as a suspected domestic terrorist.

Hasson allegedly had a hit list that included Democratic politicians and journalists.

Steele said Hasson is President Donald Trump’s kind of person.

Steele said, “I guess I kind of—at this point I have reached my glass is no longer half full, it’s just overflowing with all of the crazy that comes out of Trump. On this one, why would we be surprised a self-proclaimed nationalist would not speak out against a self-proclaimed white nationalist? Why are we acting like this is a space that Donald Trump is going to go in and behave of the American ideal? No, he is not. These are his people. And he’s not going to thank law enforcement because he’s probably not happy about what law enforcement did.”

More here


  1. Trump has been in office for 2 years.

    He didnt radicaize these people.

    I bet 8 years of race cards being shoved down peoples throats has some people thinking they need to protect themselves.

  2. Steele is an idiot. Nothing to say. RINO at best.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I see it as Obama and democrat/Marxist policies finally coming home to roost.


  4. Well, Steele is Obamas's kind of person. End of argument.

  5. I didn't realize Michael Steele was a moronic RINO like this. So glad Bob Ehrlich kicked him to the curb and he lost his senate run.


  6. Steele's 15 minutes have been up for quite a while. Was an OK sidekick to Governor Ehrlich, but has failed miserably in subsequent political roles and opportunities. Put a cork in it, Mike.


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