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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Solomon: Evidence Mounts Of Democrats' Collusion With Russia

After Congressional investigations in both the House and Senate have failed to produce evidence that Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 US election from Hillary Clinton, The Hill's John Solomon points out the deafening silence over clear links between the Kremlin and the woman who would have been President had Donald Trump lost.

Aside from the fact that the Clinton-funded Steele Dossier heavily relied on a Russian source. And the fact that John Podesta (who would have likely become Secretary of State) sat on the board of an energy company with a Kremlin official and a Russian oligarch - tangible evidence of Russian collusion exists. Once again, Solomon digs deeper into the upside-down to reveal Russian ties that would see Donald Trump jailed for treason by the left's standards.

Congressional investigators have painstakingly pieced together evidence that shows the Clinton research project had extensive contact with Russians.

Steele’s main source of uncorroborated allegations against Trump came from an ex-Russian intelligence officer. “Much of the collection about the Trump campaign ties to Russia comes from a former Russian intelligence officer (? not entirely clear) who lives in the U.S.,” Ohr scribbled. -The Hill

In today's episode of the Twilight Zone, Solomon spotlights Hillary Clinton's close relationship with Russian leaders which raised concerns over a wholesale technology transfer to the Kremlin, right around the time of the Uranium One deal and Bill Clinton's now-infamous trip to Russia (where he hung out at Putin's house) and picked up a $500,000 check for one speech.

As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow’s version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo.

Clinton’s handprint was everywhere on the 2009-2010 project, the tip of a diplomatic spear to reboot U.S.-Russian relations after years of hostility prompted by Vladimir Putin’s military action against the former Soviet republic and now U.S. ally Georgia.

A donor to the Clinton Foundation, Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, led the Russian side of the effort, and several American donors to the Clinton charity got involved. Clinton’s State Department facilitated U.S. companies working with the Russian project, and she personally invited Medvedev to visit Silicon Valley.

The collaboration occurred at the exact same time Bill Clinton made his now infamous trip to Russia to pick up a jaw-dropping $500,000 check for a single speech. -The Hill



  1. Well how about let's start seeing investigations and some arrest then and not all this mounting evidence every day

  2. Everyone already knows this. The deeper Mueller digs to get PRESIDENT TRUMP. The more he and rosenstienn must cover up for democrats. Just think what the house would look like if the 40 POS RHINOS didn't run away because they didn't like PRESIDENT TRUMP. Real mature. But no worries. In 2020 we will have ALL parts of government. With actual Republicans who aren't backstabbing Ryan and McConnell minions
    Then we will hopefully see some very important people go down.

  3. Mueller has the authority to go in that direction, given to him by Rosenstein. He can't investigate himself or his buddies for conflict of interest. Mueller can put it in his report that he has to write when he clears Trump.

  4. I don't want to wait until 2020 for justice. Arrest these traitors now !!!

  5. The Russian Collusian / Connection was Hillary and her

    Demon-crat Homeys !!! Not Trump , who they want

    everyone to focus on , to get the spotlight off themselves !!


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