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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Sharifa Alkhateeb Talks About Using Public Schools to Convert America to Islam

The late managing editor of the International Institute for Islamic Thought's American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Sharifa Alkhateeb, talks about using U.S. schools to proselytize Islam & about making the state Islamic.



  1. I’ve heard accounts that suggest that much heroine related to OD deaths is procured on mosque properties. Has anyone else heard that.

  2. Not happening + it's a Cult Not a religion !!! Not in USA !!

  3. Over my DEAD BODY

  4. Curse him to look at the soles of my Nikes forever!

  5. Feed the Biatch >>>HOT DOGS

  6. why not? appears to be working for the lbgt/socialist crowd!

  7. They are already doing it in Minnesota and Michigan. Most members are blacks who see Muslims as a chance to get more FREE EVERYTHING. They are just jumping on the bandwagon. But they have several influential politicians who are lobbying for it. Look at England. With its several Muslim members in politics. It's already here and we are trying to catch up. But HELL look at the bums we have to protect the U.S. CONSTITUTION. These corrupt fools can't get a WALL at the border. THEY want to KILL babies FULL TERM. Look at just Maryland. We have some real winner's here.

  8. It's only a matter of time before some Muslim hating person takes a gun and goes crazy killing Muslims. I think there will be a lot of people cheering,I know I will.


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